BigCommerce App Installation

Shipfare BigCommerce App Install Guide

  1. You can install Shipfare App from BigCommerce Marketplace. Once the app is installed in your store, you will see below - 

  1. You will receive a welcome email from Shipfare. At this point your account is created with us and your store is connected to your account on Shipfare platform.

  1. Shipfare login page will be launched by Shipfare app installed in your store. On Shipfare login page, you can login with your email and choose to login with  “Magic Link” or use “Forgot Password” to set new password for your account.
  2. Once you login into Shipfare you will see below Dashboard page. 

  1. You can navigate to Settings -> Integration page to see your BigCommerce store is connected with Shipfare.

  1. Now you can continue setting up the Shipfare account as per instructions given on the Dashboard page.
  1. Please reach out to in case of any issue in the installation process. 
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