How do Service Guarantees work?

UPS offers a free money-back guarantee for certain services and deliveries to selected destinations. Service Guarantees are automatically filed in ShipFare for ShipFare+ users; external accounts must be filed separately.

We will credit your account for shipping charges (or the proportionate part if only some of the packages in a shipment fail to meet the time limit) on request, where the money-back guarantee applies if UPS delivers outside their stated time commitment. The value of lost perishable goods is not covered under the Service Guarantee and will not include any VAT, duties, taxes, or levies, provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. shipping documentation and labels must have been correctly completed, and the labels must be affixed at the time of the claim;
  2. all documentation required by the country of origin, destination, or countries of transit must be fully and accurately completed and included with the parcel or provided electronically (no later than 15 minutes before the last pick-up time specified by UPS) and must have been received by UPS.
  3. if applicable, the package must bear a Saturday delivery routing label (for destinations to which this service is available);
  4. the shipment must have been given to UPS before the latest collection time specified for guaranteed delivery;
  5. you must notify us of your claim within 15 days from the date of the scheduled delivery and advise us of the receiver's name and address, date of shipment, package weight, and the UPS tracking number;
  6. the shipment must not have required additional handling. An Additional Handling charge may apply if your shipment requires special handling as stated in the UPS Terms and Conditions of Service/Carriage
  7. UPS does not provide a protective service for the transportation of perishable commodities or of commodities requiring protection from heat or cold. Such commodities will be accepted for transportation solely at the shipper’s risk for damage occasioned by exposure to heat or cold. Any shipments made with dry ice are ineligible for Service Guarantees.

Service Guarantee claims are currently active for the below domestic and international services but otherwise remain suspended: 


  • UPS 2 Day Air A.M.® – Effective January 22, 2024 
  • UPS Next Day Air®
  • UPS Next Day Air Saver®
  • UPS Next Day Air® Early


  • UPS Worldwide Express Plus®
  • UPS Worldwide Express®
  • UPS Worldwide Express NA1®
  • UPS Worldwide Express Saver®
  • UPS Worldwide Saver®
  • UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Midday
  • UPS Worldwide Express Freight® 

Until further notice, the guaranteed delivery time for UPS Next Day Air Saver® deliveries has been extended to end-of-day (11:59 p.m. on the guaranteed day of delivery).

The UPS Service Guarantee remains suspended for all other UPS® shipments and services not specified in the above sections from any origin to any destination. 

Please note the UPS money-back guarantee does not apply when late delivery results from the package not complying with the service restrictions and conditions set out in the Terms and Conditions of Carriage and Air Service, or from an event beyond our control. (Force majeure)

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